Okavango Delta is a large inland delta located in Botswana, Africa. The Delta is recognized as one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Africa. The delta experiences approximately 11 cubic kiliometers of water spread across the area. The water is trapped in the delta and exits through evaporation or transpiration.
The summer rains from Angola during the months of January and February fill the Okavango River as it makes its way into the delta. The waters are filling the Delta during the months of March, April, May, and June. The floods typically peak towards the end of June going into July and August.
The best time to go to the delta for wildlife viewing is during the months of July and August. The abundant water levels attracts the wildlife and creates one of the greatest concentration of animals throughout all of Africa.
Okavango Delta is home to 6 of Africa’s Big 7 which include the lion, leopard, elephant, crocodile, hippopotamus, and the rhinoceros. In addition to these sought after animal sightings, visitors can also look for giraffe, cheetah, hyena, antelope, kudu, and ostrich is some of the potential highlights.
Although July and August are the best months, June and September are both rewarding months and may possibly see lower rates.
Birdwatchers can experience birdlife throughout the year but the rainy summer season during the months of November through April provide suspect bachelor environment for spotting an array and abundance of birds. This time of year has higher temperatures but is a great time for catching the life of the skies.